RadicalxChange Replayed

Quadratic Funding: Past, Present & Future | Kevin Owocki

Episode Summary

This episode with Quadratic Funding pioneer, Kevin Owocki, covers the past, present and future of Quadratic Funding with his company Gitcoin.

Episode Notes

Quadratic Funding powers Gitcoin Grants, an application that has become a "Significant Pillar of the Ethereum Ecosystem," according to Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin. Learn about the why, the how, and the what behind Gitcoin Grants and Gitcoin's plans to take Quadratic Funding mainstream, with a QF application that will help local downtowns recover from COVID-related economic distress.


Kevin Owocki is the founder of Gitcoin.co -- a blockchain-based network for growing open-source software with incentivization mechanics. He has a BS in Computer Science, ten years of engineering leadership experience in startups and Open Source Software, and is a community organizer in the Boulder Colorado Tech Scene. Kevin believes strongly that Open Source Software Development should be sustainably funded. Gitcoin a one-stop-shop that gives Software Developers the skills & connections to survive and thrive in this new blockchain ecosystem. You can find out more about Gitcoin at https://gitcoin.co and Kevin at https://owocki.com